
Grow your own Easter grass

Easter is this Sunday.  Since my kids are still very young, we aren't focusing much on the true meaning of the holiday.  We're not really getting into the whole Easter Bunny thing either.  Next year for sure.  But for now, we're focusing on growth and spring.  

I love making Easter baskets but I hate the fake grass that you find throughout the house until the next Easter.  So, I was super excited to find an article about growing your own Easter grass from How Does She.  It looked simple to do and not a big deal if it didn't work out.  Plus, I thought it would be neat for Dominic to see how grass grows from a seed.

I gathered my supplies: small plastic containers, potting soil, and grass seed.  Then, just fill the containers will the dirt, add a dense sprinkling of seeds, and water on a regular basis, keeping the soil moist.  

I was surprised to see the seeds sprout so quickly.  I think I was more excited than Dominic!  It was amazing to see how quickly the grass grew.  I mean, I could tell a difference from morning to afternoon!

Within a week-and-a-half, we had full-blown grass!  It makes a great decoration on the table, adds much needed life to the house, and helps to filter the air.  I may try to leave it out all year!  I just have to master pruning it.  And, um, watering it regularly.

We had Ellie's baptism a couple of weekends ago.  Everyone loved the grass and had to run their hands through it.  My grandma asked to take home some grass seed.  (I felt like a dealer!).  And one of the kids begged to take some home with her.  I would have given it to her if it didn't have a job to do soon!

Have you ever grown your own indoor grass?  Ever peddled grass seed to family members?!

Have a happy and blessed Easter.  
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Hello Ellie!

She's here!  

Katharine Elisabeth (Ellie) was born on Saturday, January 19th, 2013.  6lbs 9oz, 19in long.

Dominic was five days late and honestly, I expected the same thing from this little girl.  Who would have thought she'd arrive six days early?  Certainly not me!  Or Brett.  

I woke up a few times Friday night/Saturday morning with pressure, making it feel like I had to go to the bathroom.  I didn't think anything of it though - after all, pregnant girls always have to pee, right?!  Saturday morning was fine - nothing at all.  Then, I went to lunch to celebrate my cousin's birthday.  I kept having small contractions that felt like they were squeezing my bladder.  I told my everyone about them, but still thought they were Braxton Hicks.  I had never had that with Dominic.  My aunts joked that it would be great timing to go into labor that night since Monday was a holiday.  I just laughed it off.

Fast forward a few hours... I had decided to start timing the contractions because they seemed to be more regular.  They were!  12 minutes apart...
Brett was helping his parents so I decided to text him to see when he might come home.  He responded by asking me if Dom and I wanted to join them for dinner.  I calmly replied that I was having contractions and probably shouldn't drive.  Of course, he called me right away in disbelief.

Dominic meeting Ellie
Brett came right home and occupied Dominic.  By that time, my contractions were down to about 7 minutes apart.  But they still weren't super intense or that long.  I called my mom to let her know we'd probably need her to come over for Dominic sometime that evening.

We soon decided that our plan would be to get Dominic to bed at 8pm and have my mom come over after that.  We would then head to the hospital.  The plan seemed to be working well, but all of a sudden, my contractions jumped to about 2 minutes apart and were very strong.

I was trying to relax my way through them while also getting ready to leave.  All of a sudden, I decided that I needed to get into a bath.  Dominic thinks that anyone taking a bath or shower has issued him an open invitation.  I felt horrible that I had to fend him off while he was screaming to get in with me.  I had imagined spending the last few minutes of him as my only child as quality time.  No such luck!  The pressure was so intense that I could not interact with him.  And, I think I scared him with my loud grunting and weird movements.  

Not long after getting in the bath, I heard a pop - my water had broken!  Again, this didn't happen with Dominic.  They had to break it at the hospital with him.  I told Brett that he needed to get my mom here... NOW.  I didn't tell him that it felt like I was pushing already.    

I tried to get dressed by myself, but I couldn't really move.  Brett helped me get clothes on and downstairs.  Luckily, my mom just got there.  We rushed out the door.  Brett said he drove 85mph and wove in and out of traffic.  I had my eyes closed the whole time, savoring the cold air, and gripping the door in pain.

We got to the hospital and were admitted to an exam room.  I told them my water had broken, but the nurse didn't believe me because it hadn't soaked my pants.  She checked me and said I was completely dilated and +1!!  They wheeled me to the delivery room on the bed I was in, quickly got an IV started, and told me to push on my next contraction.  Everyone was running around getting things ready for the baby.  I didn't quite believe the doctor at first, until she said the baby had a lot of hair.  And this was before I started pushing!

Big brother - gangsta style!
I pushed through one contraction and she was here!  I couldn't believe it!  I had told my doctor that if possible, I did not want an epidural or an episiotomy.  Honestly, I didn't think I'd be able to handle labor without the meds though.  Thankfully, I didn't have time to get it and it didn't hurt once I got to the hospital.  I was just happy to be able to push.  I remember saying, "that feels better!" after I delivered her.  

Goofy kids
I still couldn't believe how fast it all happened.  Once we got to the hospital, I had a daughter within 25 minutes!  I highly recommend this method if you can!  Just give yourself enough time to get to the hospital!  Brett thought he was going to deliver a baby that night.  

Seriously though, it went very easy.  Thankfully!!  While the nurses were wrapping Ellie in her blankets, Brett joked that he was ready to go out to eat and go home.  I fully agreed.  I couldn't believe how great I felt.

Below are a whole-lotta pictures.  I have a ton more that I'm sure I'll share eventually.  

BTW, I was super busy with household projects before this sweet girl joined us.  Some might call it nesting.  I call it pushing myself to get stuff done before the deadline.  I kept making to-do lists and crossing things off.  I was on a mission.  Stay tuned to see my projects.  I just have to photograph them... you know, when I'm not nursing or playing with a two year old.  Or, um, trying to clean up after him!  

Did you have the crazy urge to nest/ redo everything in your house before having a baby?  Or do you set crazy deadlines for yourself just so you get things done?  For me, there is nothing like a deadline to get me moving.

Big brother - serious mopping
My two kids!
Being silly
"Fighting" already!
Proud daddy

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Green Beans Go

Happy Friday!

Dominic has been super talkative lately.  It's fun actually having conversations with him instead of just repeating what he said so that I make sure I understand him.  I'm sad to see him growing so quickly, but I'm loving every moment!

Of course, many of his words don't sound like what they're supposed to sound like.  And of course, this makes my day!  I think it's hilarious when he replaces one word for another because he thinks it's the same thing.

For example, he is VERY attentive in the car.  He always pays attention to what direction we're driving, when we stop, and when we go.  He hates sitting at red lights and usually shouts, "Go, Go, Go!"  We take this as an opportunity to talk about colors and patience.  We've started saying, "Red means stop" and "green means go."  

Dominic has translated this to, "Green beans GO!"  He shouts it in the car, at home, at the grocery store, wherever!  Oh, and when we're eating green beans.  I can't get enough of it.  I'm not quite sure what's going through his mind when we're driving and say it.  Does he think we're waiting for the green beans to move?!?

He's also started saying, "Be back Mommy, stay right there."  As he says this, he slowly walks away from me, constantly turning back to make sure I'm still where I should be.

When he's happy, he'll also sing a little song of his name.  He just starts singing, "Dommy, dommy, domm - ie, dommy."  I have no idea where he got it because we rarely call him Dommy.

Get ready for Dominic pictures...

 Looking up to Uncle Tim.

 So serious pushing his Cozy Coupe.

Somebody decided piling his bed with everything from his room (drawers included) was a better idea than sleeping in it for nap time.  Yes, he slept on the floor instead.

 So involved make a truck train.

 "Mommy, look!  I have a diaper hat!"

 Playing with shaving cream.

 Being his usual, good-natured self.
I love the hands in his pockets!

Even though he drives me crazy sometimes, I can't get enough of him.  He's my constant companion, always ready to "help" or cuddle or climb on mommy.  He's quick with a smile and never fails to make me laugh, even when I'm trying to be angry with him.  

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DIY Height Chart

Happy New Year!  I hope you're off to a great start.  Our New Year has started off well.  I cleaned out closets and drawers, reorganized, and rid our home of unnecessary items that were taking up valuable space.  Now, this doesn't mean that the house is clean.  Far from it!  For some reason our house only stays clean for about 20 minutes, 30 minutes max!  I've learned to live with the mess because constant cleaning and nagging is NOT worth it.

Anyway, in the spirit of a new year and celebrating what it truly important in my life, I made a height chart to document Dominic's (and the soon-to-be baby girl's) growth.  

I've seen tutorials all over the web for this so I figured it couldn't be too hard.  As usual, I read a few and created my own general plan of action.  I gathered my materials: an 8' board, stain, a black permanent marker, a ruler, and a pencil.

Of course, I didn't take pictures of the process :).  I made this one night while sitting in front of the TV and pictures didn't even cross my mind.

Because of where I planned to hang this, I had to start measuring at 6" rather than 0".  My baseboards are 6" high.  By starting the ruler higher up, I account for the space from the floor to the bottom of the ruler.  This keeps the height accurate.

I simple started marking off 1" increments with my small ruler, marking them in pencil.  Then I went back to each mark and drew the line.  I think I made the smaller increments 2" long and the 1/4" increments 3" long.  I started making all the lines in pencil but thought it was taking too long.  I grabbed the permanent marker and made the lines, being sure to double check how long each one should be before drawing. 

Numbers are up next!  For authentic looking numbers, I printed out enlarged numbers from my computer.  I think I used Century but you could use any font you like.

I used the tried-and-true method of scribbling on the back of the numbers in pencil and then traced over the front of the number where I wanted it on the "ruler".  This left a barely-there outline for me to color in with permanent marker.  

Once I colored in all the numbers, I began staining.  I used the Provincial color.  I think it's from Minwax.  I just grabbed a rag, dipped it in the can and spread it on the board, making sure to go with the grain and get even coverage.  Don't forget the sides!  

Update - after having the piece for about two months, the stain has faded/absorbed a little.  I've been thinking about giving it another coat of stain to darken it.

Here's Dominic checking it out the next morning.  Once I showed him what to do, he immediately put his back against the ruler until I could mark his height.  Because it wasn't hung at the right height yet, I just pretended to mark it and then did it for real once I hung it.  

I love this height chart ruler because it's a functional piece of art.  Plus, if we ever move, we can take it with us, along with how tall the kids were each year.

How do you celebrate those who are important to you?  Scrap books, photos, height charts 

As you can see in this last picture, I've started displaying some of Dominic's art.  I'm definitely not one of those people who keeps every piece of art my kid makes, but I do like to keep some.  I've slowly begun working it into our decor.  As Dominic makes more art, I'm sure I'll have to make some tough decisions, but for now, his art rotates through empty frames.
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Merry Christmas!

Hello!  I hope you had a wonderful Christmas spent with your loved ones.  We still have one more Christmas to do, but so far I have truly enjoyed all 5 Christmases with our families.  I am so blessed to be surrounded by so many people who would do anything for our little family.

I'll be back in a few days, but for now, here are a few an overload of pictures of our celebrations.

 The lovely cookies my mom and I helped Dominic decorate.  They still tasted delicious!

 Our street after the first snow storm of the season!
 Dominic's new ride from his Nana and Papa.
 Driving his presents.  So serious!
 Pushing the car makes it go faster.

 This one is blurry but Dominic looks so tall here.  My baby is now a boy!

Excited to open his presents!  He even gave one each to Mommy and Daddy to open.  So kind.
Flying his new airplane.
 Pumped about his new Thomas watch.
 Asking what time it is.
Dominic looking up to his uncle Tim.  He won't get closer than this, but he thinks Tim is so cool.

If you're still here, I wish you a very Merry Christmas (again) and a wonderful new year.
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Handmade Christmas Gifts Part 2

I'm back again with my remaining handmade Christmas gifts!  To see Part 1, click here.

4. Salt Scrub

I'm never sure what to get my two step-sisters.  One is just a few months younger than me and the other is a few years younger.  They are both very creative, fun-loving, and adventurous.  They should be easy to shop for, but I never know what to get them.  Martha Stewart came through again.  I followed her directions to make a salt scrub for them and two of my aunts.  This is a super simple gift that is fun and allows the recipient to pamper themselves.  

I picked up the glass jars at Wal Mart, along with the Epsom salt.  I got the lavender essential oil from Michael's and created my own labels on my printer.  To make them more sturdy, I used old business cards between the printed paper.

Initially, I added food coloring per Martha's instructions.  But it just looked funky!  So I dumped it all out and made another batch sans coloring.  I like the natural look.  Plus, I prefer products without dyes.

5. Mini Cornhole Set

You may have to be from the midwest to know about this game.  It's a fun backyard game similar to horseshoes.  You toss a bag filled with corn into a board.  The first pair to reach 21 wins.  BTW - that's the simple version!  

Dominic loooves cornhole and can spend hours tossing the bags when we're at my dad's house.  I thought he'd love his own set.  I debated between making a full-size version or a mini one.  True to my style, I made one version that didn't work out and then had to make another.  So in a way, I made both.  Uggh!  I accidentally cut the holes too large in the first version and after trying to make it work, I realized that the boards were super heavy and didn't look all that great anyway.  So I used the scraps and made mini boards.  Much cuter AND they are easier to move inside or outside.  

I stopped at Home Depot's cull wood section and found two identical pieces of 1/2" MDF.  I think they were $2 something each.  I cut them down to my specified length.  (Since these are not competition legal size, I just found a size that visually worked).  I traced a 6" diameter hole (standard size) on each board and cut it out with a jig saw.  I actually surprised myself at how well the circles turned out.  Then, I used scrap 2x4s to make the legs.  Again, I just eyeballed what height looked best and measured from there.  I found it easiest to pre-drill the holes for the leg screws and then screw them in.

I wanted to do a fancy paint job on these and may in the future.  For now, I just spray painted them silver and hand-painted the No.1 and No.2 on each to coordinate with the bags.

Speaking of the bags, I bought some duck cloth from JoAnn's.  The finished bags are supposed to be 6x6" and weigh between 15 and 16oz each.  Even though I drew out and cut straight lines, my bags didn't turn out square.  I don't mind though - it adds character!  When I had them all sewn, except for a small section (to add the corn), I traced a number on each one and painted it.  Once the paint was dry, I added the corn.  Note to self - it would have been much easier if I had a funnel.  

I think these will be a hit!

6. Cornhole Scoreboard and Drink Holder

Even though this project and the one above are for the same game, they are for different people.  My dad and brother and their friends are always playing Cornhole, usually with a beverage or two.  Many times, someone forgets what the score is or has their drink knocked over by a stray bag.  Enter the score board and drink holder!  I was inspired by this woman

I used her project as a jumping off point to make my own.  Again, I used cull wood from Home Depot.  If I were to do it over again, I would purchase boards that were not warped.  It would be so much easier!  

This is really just a 1x2 surrounded by 1x4s at the bottom.  

I created a small box (be sure it's big enough to hold the beverage container of your choice) and attached it to the post. 

I painted everything red to match my dad's existing Cornhole set (Go Buckeyes!).  I painted a small piece of plywood in chalkboard paint for the scoreboard.  I attached a hook to the post and then hung the chalkboard from the hook.  To keep the chalk handy, I simply tied it to a piece of twine and attached it to the hook as well.

Even though I didn't really measure when I created this, I did know that I wanted the scoreboard to hide the drink holder.  I just made sure that I attached the drink box low enough and the hook high enough that the board hid the box without interfering with reaching in to get your drink.

This is definitely NOT my most sophisticated project or one that I am particularly proud of.  My workmanship leaves something to be desired.  But, I felt like I overcame obstacle over obstacle and so I am grateful for what I have.  Because it didn't turn out quite as nicely as I had hoped, my dad is getting other gifts now too.  If I ever decide to make one for Dominic, I'm sure it will turn out awesome.

Have you ever had to "redo" any handmade gifts because they didn't turn out as you had thought?  Or are you a planner who maps out every detail before getting started?

Merry Christmas!
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