
Green Beans Go

Happy Friday!

Dominic has been super talkative lately.  It's fun actually having conversations with him instead of just repeating what he said so that I make sure I understand him.  I'm sad to see him growing so quickly, but I'm loving every moment!

Of course, many of his words don't sound like what they're supposed to sound like.  And of course, this makes my day!  I think it's hilarious when he replaces one word for another because he thinks it's the same thing.

For example, he is VERY attentive in the car.  He always pays attention to what direction we're driving, when we stop, and when we go.  He hates sitting at red lights and usually shouts, "Go, Go, Go!"  We take this as an opportunity to talk about colors and patience.  We've started saying, "Red means stop" and "green means go."  

Dominic has translated this to, "Green beans GO!"  He shouts it in the car, at home, at the grocery store, wherever!  Oh, and when we're eating green beans.  I can't get enough of it.  I'm not quite sure what's going through his mind when we're driving and say it.  Does he think we're waiting for the green beans to move?!?

He's also started saying, "Be back Mommy, stay right there."  As he says this, he slowly walks away from me, constantly turning back to make sure I'm still where I should be.

When he's happy, he'll also sing a little song of his name.  He just starts singing, "Dommy, dommy, domm - ie, dommy."  I have no idea where he got it because we rarely call him Dommy.

Get ready for Dominic pictures...

 Looking up to Uncle Tim.

 So serious pushing his Cozy Coupe.

Somebody decided piling his bed with everything from his room (drawers included) was a better idea than sleeping in it for nap time.  Yes, he slept on the floor instead.

 So involved make a truck train.

 "Mommy, look!  I have a diaper hat!"

 Playing with shaving cream.

 Being his usual, good-natured self.
I love the hands in his pockets!

Even though he drives me crazy sometimes, I can't get enough of him.  He's my constant companion, always ready to "help" or cuddle or climb on mommy.  He's quick with a smile and never fails to make me laugh, even when I'm trying to be angry with him.  


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