
To-Do List

As I watch Once Upon a Time (isn't it good?!) and procrastinate doing homework, I thought I'd put together a little post about my to-do list.  I should be more specific... I really don't know if I'll be able to complete start anything on the list.  But this year I've been trying to write down everything I want to accomplish.  And you know what?  It's worked!  Don't get me wrong, I've still got a long way to go but I am accomplishing things I probably wouldn't have if I just kept them in the ol' noggin.

I am struggling with what order to put my list in: should I prioritize by jobs I will actually be able to tackle soon or should I prioritize by jobs that I want to happen first?  Decisions, decisions!

Because this is my blog and what I say isn't binding, I'm going for door #2... jobs I want to see done.

#1 - Kitchen 

This is what my kitchen looks like now.  It looks fine but there is so much I still want to do to it.  Bow-chic-a-bow-wow!!  Ok, so you know me... I've made changes since I took this picture. 

But it sure looks a whole heck of a lot better than it did when we moved in.  Goodness!  Look at that dark wood, dark counter, and white walls.  The fridge blocked the view to the basement stairs on the right.  Overall, we really didn't make too many changes. 

We painted the cabinets Behr Moon Rise, spray painted the hinges silver, and pulled off the decorative porcelain thingies behind the the door pulls.  We also painted the walls, ripped the cabinets out just to the left, and moved the fridge to that spot.  Then, we changed the faucet and put up curtains (that my lovely mama made).  *Where's Waldo Ox?

I always knew I wanted to make changes.  I just didn't know what.  Now I know!  I still want white cabinetry and white appliances.  Yes, I'm sure I'm the only person on the planet who doesn't want stainless.  I really like stainless, but our kitchen is soooo small that I don't want to interrupt the flow with a different color.  The big thing I've just decided is that I want butcher block countertops - stained dark.

I am working to make my photography look like these pictures.  So light and bright!  It might take me awhile, if ever...

**Note - the last part of this post disappeared.  Sorry!  I have no patience to add it again right now, so check back soon.  Thanks!

Ok, here we go again...

Open shelving.

These are decorated a bit too feminine for me, but I like the idea.

I'd also like a range hood cover to hide that ugly yet so practical necessity.

I had a few other great pictures but I can't remember what they were.  Boo!  Anyway, these ladies have some great ideas, don't they?!  I can't wait to try out a few of these things.

Since this blog took a long, curvy road instead of the straight-shot I intended, I am not going to include the other items on my to-wish do list.  I'll follow up in future posts.  But as a sneak peak, the other items include the patio/firepit, decorate Dominic's room, and a new sofa and chair in the living room.

What's on your wish list?  Do you think you will complete any of them?  What are your thoughts on open shelving in the kitchen?


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