
Oh, school nights

Hello there!  I hope you enjoyed your weekend.  I've been working hard, but I enjoyed mine.  I actually have to get back to work but I wanted to pop in to say that I got all my homework done for the week!  For those of you back in school... na na nah boo boo...I got my homework done... ya hoo!  Just kidding. ;) Seriously though, this is the first time in awhile I've gotten my homework done with time to spare.  And, this concluded my 1/2 semester class.  Onward with the next assignments!  

What's that?  You want to know what I've been busy with?  Be patient!  Ok, I'll tell you now.  We painted the dining room and installed the plate rail.  All it needs now is another coat of paint (hopefully not two!) and then it's picture-sharing time.  Oh, and of course all of the decorations.  You know how excited that part makes me.  I scored a cool hexagonal mirror at Goodwill for $.95.  Yep... you read that right, under a buck.  I'm planning to paint it gold or dark brown or turquoise or something.  We'll see.  Whatever I decide, pictures will be up by the end of this week for sure.

I discovered a new (to me) blog yesterday.  Yes, I know it's been around for awhile and has a large following.  I'm not sure how I missed out on this one.  [Insert funny oblivious joke here that was on the tip of my tongue but didn't make it through my fingertips to the keyboard].  Anyway, 7th House on the Left did a quick review of a few design tools.  She detailed MyDeco and Olioboard.  I thought I'd check them out and spent ALL of Dominic's nap... shame on me... playing around with the programs.  To be honest, I didn't much care for MyDeco.  It's kind of cool because you can create 3D room plans with real furniture.  Most of the options were from the UK only and a lot of it was too modern for my taste.  If that's your style, I say go for it.  Olioboard, on the other hand, was right up my alley.  Like chocolate chips in a nice tube of cookie dough.  This is an awesome way to make mood boards.  And, I can drop in real products from stores that I would shop at.  That is, if I had the money to spend.  Even better, if you see something you like, just click on it in your mood board and it gives you all the details - website, pricing, dimensions.  You can also check out all the other awesome boards that others have created.  There are some great ideas.  It's kind of like Pinterest with your boards combined into a room.  How cool is that?!

So far, no pictures today.  So to brighten things up a bit, here's my board from Olioboard.  It's a simple one and I can't wait to get back there to make some more detailed ones.  Yeah... I'm even going to make some for rooms that are already done in my house.  Plus my mom's.  Maybe my grandma's too. 


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